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This is a short 5 minute video called, "The Gospel Message - simple as ABC"

A Summary of the Bible Story of Salvation


God created everything, including people.

All people have rebelled against God and have fallen out of favor with Him.

Left to ourselves we will die and forever be separated from God in hell.

God, who is rich in love and mercy set a plan into action to redeem us from our fallen state.

Jesus Christ came from heaven to earth to die on the cross for our rebellion, our sin.

He rose from the dead three days later as proof He is the only Savior and the Son of God..

Jesus now offers forgiveness of sin and eternal life with God to those who trust in Him.

We can only come to God by His grace and through placing personal faith in Jesus Christ.

When a person turns away from sin and trusts in Jesus they become born again.

This spiritual rebirth is when the Holy Spirit supernaturally changes a person into a child of God.

As a child of God you are complete in Christ and have every spiritual blessing!

Restored to God we can now grow in our love for Him and others.

Those who reject Jesus will suffer the consequences forever.

Those who receive Jesus have everlasting life!

Christ died for your sins and rose from the grave.

Trust in Him and you will be saved.

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